A blog about my life in and out of running a HEMA club. I teach Historical European Martial Arts in Salt Lake City.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Combat Con Wrap up part 2
I walked into the event unsure.
Last year I did alright in my matches, I met a lot of new people, but this year was a different challenge. I told myself that this time I would and could pass my cutting qualifier, I would go into my matches giving them my all. If nothing else, this time I would win one of them, I knew I could I just needed to actually do it. This time I would help out with things as I could, this time, we would make a name for ourselves somehow in the HEMA community. (Other than the name I had for years as one of those internet whiners) This time I was going to take more classes and get in a lot of free sparring.
Friday was a huge blow to most of it personally. So much so that I had a moment of wanting to give it all up, quit sword entirely, hang up my gear and go home.
During the tournaments I had some of my guys volunteer and we did help make sure there was video of as much as we could film, (Some was not recorded and for that I apologize to those whose matches were missed.) I walked into the cutting qualifier feeling pretty good. It seemed like most everyone in front of me was doing well, so really how hard could it be? The reality was though that I was worried about it, and without the right form I failed my cuts. I passed perhaps one of the 4 I needed to compete in steel, but that was 3 too few. I tried again. This time passing all but the 4th one. That was it, I was out of steel, time to try to clear my mind and prepare for the Synthetic tournament. I was heart broken. I wanted nothing more than to compete where I felt I was capable, this did not feel like it was it it was a tough moment.
When Synthetic began I felt OK, no, it was not where I wanted to be, but I would give it my all. Points wise, I did fine. I even beat one of the guys in my class who depending on the day he wins or I do, but this time, this weekend it was me. I think, though I do not know for complete sure, I would have won all of my matches, may have even moved on were it not for one problem. Double Hits. For those of you not acquainted with the rules it works like this at this event. If you hit your opponent at the same time as they hit you, it is called a double hit. These are counted collectively and per match. In a match if you get 3, the match is over, neither fighter wins. In addition to that each one is points deducted from you the 1st is 1 point, 2nd is 2, etc. At the end of my pools, I had 5 (Total of 15 points that I threw away.) It meant that though I had done well, I had so much against me I did not move on. At the end of the day I placed 11th, not where I wanted but could have been worse I suppose. Jack, my fellow student and one of my dearest friends did however, and went on to win Gold (A first for our club.)
Friday was tough, it was harder for me emotionally than sword had been for awhile. I gave what I had, but I was not smart about it. Friday night my consolation was that in knowing what I did wrong I have a plan moving forward to correct it. (Its all feedback)
Saturday I spent a lot of the day watching the other tournaments, cheering on my guys, observing what they were doing wrong, and what they were doing right. (Notes for future training) I even fought an exhibition 3 touch match against one of the better instructors and did not win, but felt good about it. Saturday evening I took a class (The only one I would take all weekend it turns out), did some sparring with new weapons, and I danced all night and had a great time with my friends from other clubs, it was a blast.
Sunday I spent the whole day watching tournaments. Corner coaching for guys who did not have clubs there with them (even, it turns out against my own club in the Gold match) I watched and video recorded hours of footage some of which I hope I can turn into some learning by observation as to what I an doing, what those who are successful are doing, and how I can bridge the gap. "My Guys" as I called them all weekend, did great. They were members of my club, the other Salt Lake Club, and anyone associated with those connections though I am not our head coach, I could not be prouder of the guys who I consider our students or are by close association near to us. We went to dinner with many of the HEMA groups who were at the event, and I ended up staying up way too late observing and being coached by some of the best guys in the community on ways I can improve my form. It was a truly awesome experience.
My take away from all of it is this: I have some work to do, but there are people in the community who want to see me succeed. Many of those people are not even in my club, but they want me to improve and advance, events like this mean so much in that way. From the time I got to Vegas I was welcomed by people who knew me from the internet, we were all from different places, learning styles, different coaches and different techniques, but while we were there we were one big family. Yes there was drama, there is always drama in a family, there were fun rivalries, but at the end of the day, when the masks are off and the gear back in bags, we are a family. This time I only had 4 from my club, 1 from the other Salt Lake Club, and 1 who used to be in our club, but I had friends who made me feel welcome from so much more than that. I coached against my own guy in finals because to me, supporting everyone no matter where they are from (especially if they do not have support) is so important. During the weekend I had guys in my corner who were not always my own guys, but they did it because they believe I can do it, I can get better, and I can rise to the challenges I have in front of me.
That, is what these events are about. It is not just the fighting, or winning prizes, it is about getting together when we can and supporting each other. It is about bouncing ideas off each other to see what works and what doesn't but ultimately it is about being a community, outside of club lines, we are all a part of that, and it was great to feel that even when I was ready to give up, there were people who believed in me, I have a lot of work to do to move forward, but I know that I am not alone, and I have guys who will help me from miles away because they believe in me, and what I am working to help build.
It was a great weekend and I was glad to be a part of it.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Combat con matters
Community. If there was one thing I could say that Combat Con, maybe more than others is about its community.
Hema is very much about silos, you are a classical fencer OR an Olympic fencer, a German longsword practitioner or an Italian, (or pan European but lean one way or the other) If, for a moment I could put my finger on what the soul of the event is about it would be about breaking down those silos. Combat Con at its core is about working towards a community that while they so not always play well together, recognize and see each other as the equals we really are.
This weekend is not over, and my official review will not be posted for days, but here is what I know. This weekend our class had 4 people attending, a 5th who was once among our members, and a 6th who is from a sister club of ours. In that number I always felt as though all of them were, "my guys". We shared rooms, meals, and I volunteered a few if them to help with the tournaments.
We has small numbers when compared to other schools but I never felt alone. I was corner coached by my friends from Kron (a different sword group), and on one occasion I stood with them. I made new friends, rekindled old friendships, got some free sparring in with some different people, and from time to time, coached others on ways to improve or do something. But it was not just me.
Leading up to it, I had help from people in the community who only wanted me to succeed. It is not us vs them, it is "let's make this better for everyone, so we all get better. " This weekend I was adopted by other schools, and I adopted others.
But what makes this event unique is the depth of techniques taught. If you want to learn more than just how to do your flavor of technique within the realm of these particular arts it is available. That is unique in a world of silos. The point is this, for this one weekend a year we come together across style and historical period, and offer a taste of each in one place, one community, outside the lines we get so tied in drawing.
This event matters because it helps us diversify. Nowhere else have I seen it all side by side under one literal roof even if we do not put ourselves there. This is an event with heart, and it has been my pleasure to be an attendee the last 2 years.