Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My next party idea.

The wedding reception on Saturday went very well. We had a good turn out and everyone seemed to have a good time. One thing that we did get as a wedding gift from it was an Ice Cream maker which got me thinking of all the fun things I could make into Ice Cream and what to do with it. Last night I made Raspberry, but there has to be more to it than that right?
Here is my thought, my next big party is going to be a great pumpkin festival. (I had to go for the Peanuts reference) I am thinking some time in October of having a party where I serve Pumpkin Ice Cream, Pie, Seeds, as well as doing some test cutting on Pumpkins, and pumpkin carving. It is just a hatch-ling idea now, but I think with a little thought it could be a fun fall party costumed or not and gives me a good goal to be ready for in a few months that could be a really silly and fun time.
On another note, the last 3 weeks have been brutal on my sword study. Between the week before the wedding getting my sister in laws yard ready for the reception, the week of the wedding being in Vegas, and last weekend setting up for the reception, it has been a few weeks off that I need to really get working back on with our competition coming up in July. Part of that is going back to the gym so that I can build up my endurance, I hate sparing and finding myself give up some because I am just beat a few minutes into it, I know I can do better, and I will do better, maybe not by competition, but by the end of the year for sure!