"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."
This morning I awoke earlier than normal. For years waking up early on New Years Eve was something I did as we held an annual World Healing Meditation at my church. It is not something that they do anymore, and since my absence from church it is hardly something I can suggest as a tradition to bring back so this morning I did at home.
There is a lot to be said about tradition. Many times we do them, simply because that is how they are done. One such example is new years resolutions. I wrote on mine some last week, but this morning something else happened from within me. I realized that to take steps forward in my life it was important that I turn within evaluate what is working and what is not, and then create a mantra or mission statement or something as a focus for the new year.
Do not get me wrong, 2014 was spectacular. I learned things I never knew, met lots of new people had some great experiences. I think that is the crux though. We look at a new year and seem to have to think badly about the one that just past, as if somehow talking it down makes the next one that much better; it doesn't.
In November at the Moab Celtic Festival when doing heavy athletics I broke a caber. To me it was upsetting. I was told later that it happened, but to me it was not something to be proud of, I was embarrassed and felt terrible about it. Upon looking back at it more closely, I have realized something. That broken caber, was and still is a lesson.
Why had it broken? Was there some sort of internal flaw like a knot that meant it was going to break? No. This was a solid piece that had broken because my form and technique was not good, because I had the misconception that by strength alone I could turn this Caber, even if my technique was not right. In that I was wrong.
To me, that meant a bigger lesson. Often times in my life I have gotten through by sheer force of will. As if pushing harder was the way through everything. I am a reasonably strong guy (Less so than most anyone I to Scottish games with, but that is another post entirely) and often times I know I can use my size, or in some cases my wits to get through problems without doing what is called for to do it right and well. That did not work that day. I could not push through it and come out the winner through sheer force of will.
So what is the goal for 2015? Knowing what is right and when and taking the right steps to do what is needed. It means less filling time with things like browsing Facebook when I am waiting for an elevator. It means spending more time devoted to doing things that bring me joy, and less time filling time up with something, anything that may fill the time so I am not alone with my thoughts and ideas.
This year is about finding the right times for every purpose in my life, and having the wisdom to do what is needed at that time to make it work out the best it can be. To be clear, and honest about what is going on, and to take the right steps to be where I need to be. This year is about trusting that if I follow the things that bring me joy, life will just be better. Knowing what tools I have in my toolbox and using them right, so that at the end of the day I can rest in knowing that I did what I needed to and did it well.
2014 was great, and I look forward to 2015, may it bring us all the things we are seeking.