I have not always been so kind to those who do not agree with me. On more than one occasion I have been known to point out others hypocrisy. (You say you are Christian, but Jesus said to love thy neighbor, you say you are Christian, but Jesus said to pray in private and you will be rewarded openly. ETC) This is not my place, nor is it the place of anyone else to tell you how you should be to be what you say you are. I may see the double standard but I will let it go. There is a problem with "Proving" people wrong. you never really do, at least not with their rhetoric. If I point out that you are Pro-life yet for the death penalty, it does not suddenly make me a better person.
My point is this. It is better for a man to do be in integrity with his word. I cannot make anyone else do that but I can do that for myself. It is not my place to point out where people are not being in integrity, but rather to be a good person onto myself.
I will still disagree with things you say and do. but there is no need to point to them and show you that you are not doing as you say. That will not win me points with anyone, and certainly will not show them the error in their ways. If you want to be a crappy Christian, fine, that is between the God you believe in and you. It is not my place to point out when you are being a hypocrite, that is not going to show you the light. I will stand for what I believe is right, but I will not resort to Ad Hominem attacks to do it.
In my mind it is more important to be a good person than to say you are and not act that way. In that way, I have been wrong. It is wrong of me to judge others and then be mad when I am judged. That is something personal to me, they are my own demons I have to wrestle, but it is not my place to point yours out, nor is it yours to point out mine.
Wouldn't it be great if I did not have to wear my religion on my sleeve for you to think I am a good person? Wouldn't it be great for you not to judge me by what I say I do, but by the things I actually do? Wouldn't it be a better world if I your opinions of me had nothing to do with who I vote for or how I am registered to vote but rather based on my actions and deeds? I for one am done with it these anyway.
Rather than proving to you I am a good person it is far better for me to be one.
If you do not agree, it is none of my business, but I am not made a better person because I wear my faith on my sleeve. I would rather meet a man with a great calm and peace about him and ask him how he finds it. I would rather see the fruits of your labor, then come to you and ask my questions about where you find the strength to accomplish those acts and have you tell me. I do not wear my faith on my sleeve, but if you want to ask, ask and we will talk about it. Either way, I am done letting how I vote be a way for you to judge me, that is none of your business, and it should not be something I have to shove in your face to be worth believing in.
I will keep my faith in my heart, where it belongs. I am sorry for my actions of not doing so in the past. If I am wrong about this, let me be wrong, it is not your job to save me but rather if I need saving for me to seek it out. Let me ask you.
I am done making myself right by making you wrong. It does not work, and makes more enemies than friends, and in a lonely world, isn't it better to have friends who you do not agree with to bounce ideas off of, than to have only friends who just support your way of thinking? I am done playing the game, you are welcome to continue, but please do not rope me in to prove your point, rather find the truth for yourself and you will find the answers for you that you need.