Monday, October 26, 2015

Day 0: Welcome to the world!

My dear son, Welcome to the world!
As of today, life expectancy in Salt Lake county, Utah is 78.1 years.
A gallon of Gasoline costs: $2.39
A loaf of bread at Smiths costs: $1.79
A dozen eggs costs:$1.99
A gallon of Milk costs: $3.29 though you can get it on sale for $2.59
A regular movie ticket costs: $9.50 
A 3D movie ticket costs: $11.50
the number 1 movie in America for last weekend was: Goosebumps
the number 1 song in America on Billboards top 200 was The Hills by the Weekend ( I do not know this song except to know that they were on Saturday Night live a couple of weeks ago.) 
Over the last couple of days the weather has been cooler and rainy on and off. 
You were born into this world at: 9:51 PM
You were 8 pounds and 15 oz and 21.5 inches long
Those are the statistics. Life is much more than that though little guy. 
Story of your birth: 
On 10/19 your mom went to the midwife with high blood pressure. Last night we stayed home, hoping that you were going to come when he blood pressure went down. On 10/20 I went to my appeal case then came home, your mom worked a while then came home, were we ran a few errands. We picked up some toys for Sam to play with and tear apart and a couple of things from Target for you, then picked up Crown burger for Bacon Cheese burgers. Your mom had Onion rings, and a Strawberry shake, I had Fries and a Power aide. When we talked to the Midwife she said to call the hospital about 7 to find out when we can go in and start what we needed to so you would get here.

It is now 6:30 and your mom is taking a shower while I am waxing introspective on the cycle of birth, and the changing from one stage of life to another. It is strange to think that in a short amount of time I will be a father, whether I am ready to be or not. This is a big change as my life is no longer only mine alone but also, for a time as a role model and support for you and your mother. The only such transformation I have been through before was that of being married, where in one moment you move from being a single person to a part of a couple, to something more than that, a couple for life. When you get married you are saying that you choose that person for now, but also for always. Things may change that, but that is the idea when you marry.
Fatherhood is something different. It is not having a child then at some time if things are not working out leaving them. Like it or not, I am your father for life.

At 8:30 pm we checked in at the hospital and started the stuff to ripen your moms cervix and by 2:00 am your moms water had broken. By 5:00 am we were still waiting but your mom was feeling better after having gotten some sleep. Because of the medications that they have your mom on we have had to have have you monitored all night. It was not the plan, but we did it anyway. The funny thing about it is that we had been listening to it all night and the consistent rhythm made sleeping easier. It was a calming wave sound and its consistent rhythm had allowed me to feel that soon you would not be just sounds and pictures on a screen but someone I could hold and love for the rest of my natural days.
All of the day on Wednesday someone was with your mom. Your aunt Cookie and I took turns in in the room with your mom. Every time she needed to get up and go to the bathroom. we were the first to disconnect the machines and move the IV, then move it again when she was ready to get back in the bed.

We waited all day but she had not dilated beyond a 2. By 6:00 pm things had gotten to be too much and your moms anxiety and pain had gotten to be too much for her to bear so she asked for the epidural. Again, this is not something we had planned on, but sometimes plans change. In the birth plan we had 1 central idea which was respect your mom, respect the baby. The choice was your moms and in the end, that is all that matters. Our ideal has always been healthy mom, healthy baby and as long as we are able to bring you home, and we feel our choices are honored we have come to the place that it will be OK. Sometimes life is like that. When I married your mom, not everything happened how we had planned but in the end we left Vegas happily married and that was all that mattered.

By 9:00 your mom felt like she was ready to have you and she had dilated to a 10. Once the midwife got there your mom started pushing. The pushing took less than a half hour and you were born by 9:51 on 10/21/15. As soon as you were born we put you on your moms chest. and she got to hold you for the first time. During that time you pooped on your mom a couple of times. By 10:22, your mom was not doing so well and so I took my shirt off and we started doing some skin on skin while they figured out what your mom needed. You aunt cookie says that it was crazy fast the way I did it but I was ready to hold you and wanted you to have the skin on skin that we had agreed you needed. I helped them weigh you, and then you pooped on me. I clamped your cord, and cut it both the first time, but also the second time. You started your life at 8 pounds 15 oz though we are pretty sure that with how much you pooped on us, you were born over 9 pounds.

Within 24 hours we had not left you alone with anyone. Every time they came to pick you up, I put on shoes and went with them. When you were a bit over 1 day old, they had been tracking your blood sugars and they had not balanced. So they did some blood tests and it was decided that they would be keeping you for awhile. The doctors think that you had an infection in your blood and worked to bring it down.
We gave you a bath on the 23rd and you have been doing little more than eating and sleeping, but we want you to get feeling better so we are doing all we can to make sure that you are good.

The first time someone watched you without your mom and I was on 10/23/15 when your mom and I had to go check into the hospital as a "hotel stay"since your mom was discharged as a patient as she was doing OK. On that night you were also moved to the nursery for the first time so your mom and I could sleep. I had been sleeping for hours and your mom felt that it was better for you to stay there for a few hours. On the morning of 10/25/15 when your doctor came in we were delighted to hear that we could bring you home. The hardest part of the last few days was not knowing when you would be able to come home, so this was great news. We left the hospital parking lot at 2:47 pm on 10/25/15. Yesterday you had your first 2 elevator rides. and got to meet your Zia Mary, and Granny, as well as seeing some of your family that you had already met like your Pompa, Grandma Judy, Grandpa, and Ama.

It is great to be home. and we are so happy to have you home and here. Moving forward I will be writing on the blog I have set up for you. Welcome to the world son. I cannot tell you how much your mom and I love you and we will do everything we can do to make sure you are taken care of and happy when we can. It is a beautiful place, and I am excited to be with you when you begin to explore it.

your blog can be found here and I have encouraged family to subscribe to it ans I will not be posting it all over so if people follow it they will see it but if not, they won't

Love you