Tuesday, July 28, 2015

85 Days Our story (or, we really want you here)

I do not talk about it a lot because it is a hard thing to talk about but we really want you here.
Let me go back to the beginning, Before you were on your way and growing, before your mom and I were married, let’s go way back.

When I was a kid, I had an invisible sweet heart when I was little my mom tells me. I always felt like my purpose was to find the right person to love and to have a home and children. How many children was up for debate as it was not entirely my decision. As time went on I had ups and downs. People who I dated and loved, and those who I wanted to date but never was given a chance. First of all, no one owes you anything when it comes to this. The bad news (it sometimes feels) is that no one owes you a chance to date them, the good news is that you owe it to no one to date them. When I was 14 I had a girl friend who, I am sorry to say I "dated" because she wanted to date me. The reason dated is in quotations is that we never went anywhere or did anything outside of school.

Eventually dating did get some easier, I liked people and felt good enough about myself sometimes that I felt comfortable asking them out. Easier is not easy. Dating is complicated, and often things are harder than they need to be since you have 2 people with emotional baggage getting together and hoping that they can work it out in the long run.

When I met your mom, we were both on an online dating service. We talked for a bit quite a lot then things kind of stopped. It is my fault, I messaged her back "OK" and she felt it was a conversation killer as I did not expand on that or anything. Weeks later I started talking to her again and finally we did meet though not without more trouble. She was up from Provo one day and wanted to meet after her family thing. I won't lie, it was in the back of my mind, but it was a Saturday after sword and frankly I spaced it. The next time we were going to meet I had made plans with someone and they were canceled. I asked if she wanted to meet and she said that she did not want to play second fiddle to anyone. (Something I respect) We met that night and I will not forget, when I left I thought that she could very possibly be the one.

I was not always smart. I still went on dates with other people for a bit since she and I were not an exclusive thing. She called me on it (your mom is good about that) and at that point I stopped dating anyone but her. As things got serious and we started spending more and more time together I knew that it was a serious thing. Years ago, a friend of mine and I decided that there needed to be rules about dating. Silly things like you must date someone for X amount of time before marrying them, or they must want the same amount of kids you do, etc.  With your mom, I broke many of those rules and here is where you come in.

Before we were engaged, She told me that because of some medical conditions (PCOS) she had been told that she may never be able to have kids. When she told me that, it was something that was very hard for me to hear. I had from the time I was very young wanted to be a dad. To have kids, eventually I had settled on the number (2 would be enough). What this meant was if I stayed with her, there was a possibility that we would never have kids and it was something that was hard to hear. I may never have the chance to have children that were my own. We talked a lot about it and decided that at some time we would try, and if we could not, then maybe we would adopt or something. Shortly there after we were engaged and then married.

The house we live in was sort of meant to be. My mom’s real estate friend told me that he had a house that we needed to see. (This was 2 months after we were married) Your mom and I looked at the pictures online and were not so sure, but thought we would humor him. When we walked into that house we were sold. It would take a lot of things falling in line but we knew we needed that house. 2 very long months later I found myself giving up the apartment that had meant so much to me, it was my first place on my own, it was a place with many memories, both good and bad, it had some downs but it was my place. To move it meant giving all that up, and to walk into a place that was not mine, but was ours.

When we decided that we wanted to start trying we knew it would be a hard road. Your moms doctors had not said that it would be hard for nothing. We tried on our own for several months, and after that started at the fertility clinic. (WE REALLY WANTED YOU TO BE HERE!) The months with the fertility clinic were up and down. Every month we had good signs I gave your mom injections to release the eggs, but for a while, 2 weeks later we found out that it had not worked and we were back to the beginning again.  Finally, we heard the good news. On Valentines morning we found out that your mom was pregnant with you. I won't lie. That morning I had stayed up way too late so when she told me she had a plus sign, It took me a second to figure out exactly what that meant.

For a while we did not tell anyone. We did not want to get too excited, the first 12 weeks are a rough time, and not everyone makes it through it. Since that time though as the weeks have gone by we are just getting more and more excited. We started a registry the other day, your room is ready, we have a few small things to do before you get here but we will be ready. I have waited my whole life to meet you, and we will get to soon. It has not been an easy road. We have had the ups and downs, but I want you to know that I am in your corner, no matter what. Sometimes you will stumble, that is when you get back up and just keep going. Sometimes you will make some mistakes, make sure that you correct them and do right the next time. You are what would have been called in any other time a miracle, and we are glad to welcome you here. I will do my best to help you learn and grow, to teach you to be a good man, but regardless of how things go, always remember that we want you here, and we are excited to meet you.
