Monday, July 20, 2015

93 days: time

93 days
Sometime patience is not my best virtue. I try to wait, to keep calm but sometimes it does not happen. I also know that there will be things in your life you are not patient about. Maybe it is something neat coming up that you are excited about, maybe something you are nervous about that you just can't wait to get here so you can have it over with, maybe it is the line at the grocery store or slow traffic. Whatever it is there will be times that you may have your patience tested. Try as I might, I do not have a good solution for it except to say the best way to get through it is to keep focused on what is at hand or focus on something else.
Einstein said that time was relative. We know that is true. When you are having a great time, time seems to fly, when you are bored or doing something you do not like to do it seems to go on forever. In reality, every day has 24 hours, every hour is 60 minutes, every minute is 60 seconds and whether you like it or not, time will come. It may feel like forever, but take the time to enjoy things while they are happening instead of jumping to the next thing and missing the thing at hand.
When I was younger, I thought it was unfair that a man only had 90 years or 100 years or 83 years or what have you, to live. It is a clock that we can't see, something we won't know until our time is up. I felt like it was unfair that some people lived to be 68 and others 103. I also felt like 100 years was not enough time to experience and do everything I wanted to do. As I get older I think less on the fairness of it all and more on the fact that it is what it is, and complaining that it is unfair is not going to make it change.
Here is the thing: You will find things you enjoy doing at all ages. Sometimes finding them a bit later in life means that you miss the boat on some things. I have been doing Olympic fencing for a year but at the ripe old age of 34 I know I will never compete in the Olympics. That is the case with many things. That is not a reason not to compete or do them, it is just a fact. In life you can complain about how unfair or how wrong things are, or you can step up, accept them as facts and figure out what you want to do about it. It is really your choice. Some facts are fixed, some are not. I can't go back and change how old I am to be able to play Baseball in a peewee league. But if I want to play Baseball I can find a team or build a league and play now instead of whining about it. I may not be able to change the rules of something but I can always decide how I want to play with them. (Even if it is not playing at all because I think they are dumb rules) I can't fix how I placed in a tournament, but I can fix things I did wrong, or things I can do better so next time I place better.
Overall my point is this. The more time you spend worrying about how much time you have left, or how much you wish that something was closer, the less time you get to spend enjoying the time you have. Your due date is 93 days from today. I wish it was closer, but what I know is that I have time to get ready for you to come, then if you were born tomorrow. I am excited for it to be here, but I know that time will get us there, and no matter how much I wish it would go faster, the time it takes is good enough.

I am excited to see you, but lets make sure you as ready as you can be before you get here.