On the 60 days blog I wrote about some of the not so good news for you, things that may run in the family on the not so good side. For this part I am going to talk about the other side of it. the good news.
Generosity and Compassion- They say you can learn a lot about a man by the company that he keeps, I think you can tell a lot about someone about the way they treat friends and family alike. Since joining the Stephenson family by marrying your mom I have had a couple realizations. If you go to any party they throw, or any party that the Hinckley's throw, you will know that if you leave any of those functions hungry, it is your own fault. This runs in the family. If you have a dollar and your friend needs half of it, then you give him that. If you have friends or family that need help, you do what you can, not because you are somehow doing it for good Karma, not because you are hoping that it gives you a debt later to call in, but you do it because it is the right thing to do. You are generous because it it is right, it is right to lift people up and it is right to come together and to share with family and friends.
Inner strength- While I talked about being stubborn, it is true, but the good news is with that, comes a lot of inner strength. When someone tells you that you can't do inner strength says you can if you are willing to work for it. Inner strength says, you can get knocked down but that does not mean you are out. It means that you can do things if you set your mind on it. There is a fine line between stubborn and being strong, Being stubborn says this is the way it is no matter if anyone proves otherwise. Being strong says I can and will prove otherwise. Stubborn is saying that your way is the only one that matters. Being strong is about saying my way is the best way for me, but that does not make your way wrong, but rather there are just different ways to get there.
Smarts- I am not saying that we are the smartest group of people around, but you have a lot of smarts in your head and in your family. I have no doubt that you will be smart. Ask questions if you do not understand something seek out the answers so you do. I am sure you are not a dumb kid, you will do some dumb things sometimes. everyone does. They key is to remember that you are not dumb, you do not come from dumb people.
You have a good family you are being born into. We have our flaws but so does everyone. They are good people, and I know that they love you already. You can tell a man by the company he keeps, you have friends and family that though they have not met you yet, are excited to meet you. You are the results of thousands and thousands of generations, just because you are born into something, does not mean that it is all you have to work with. Make yourself from what you have and if you need something more, seek it out. Take what you have, and decide what to do with it.
Love you kid