I am in a hard spot and I can't talk about it for a few days at least. Ultimately though what I do know for sure is that regardless of how things look, how bad things feel, at the end of the day, things will work out. That is not to say that things always work out how you want them to, or how you expect them to, but sometime, eventually, they all work out. It is hard to say or to believe in but at the end of the day it all does work out.
Sometimes you may have to keep your eyes open to see what is next or where you go from here but at the end of the day, things do eventually work out. When I was still going to church and still studying to be a minister I was taking a class that I to finish it I needed to come up with the money to take it, and money to get to my oral panels. Because I did not have the cash to cover it all I threw it out there to the Universe or what have you, that if it was what was right for me to do, the money would show up. Before the end of the class between deliveries of furniture and random side jobs, the money did show up and I had things handled.
When I was almost 25, I lost my job where I had worked for 7 years. It was the 1st of June. I began at the Hospital on the 26th. I took a hit in pay, but I did what I needed to and I was back at work. It is not always easy. It was a scary time, but finally it was OK.
I am sorry that I can't say more about this, maybe one day I will explain better what is going on, but what I do know is that somehow, some way things will work out.