I did not write yesterday so today will be a 2 part one.
There is a good possibility based on history there are a few things you need to be a bit forewarned about, things that run in the family on one side or the other that will make some things harder for you. I am sorry but this is the way things are. Many of these things may run in the family, but that does not necessarily mean you are stuck with it and if you know how to manage things, you can overcome most of this. A few things to get out of the way.
Stubborn- There are plenty of people one one side of the family or the other, who are and always will be stubborn. Know that this is part of your family history, but also know that you are in control of it. Just because you have an opinion of something does not mean that it is the only way. Look at the other options, listen to other opinions than your own, who knows you may learn something.
Depression- I have talked about this one before but the scoop is that if you are having problems talk about it, write about it, but the most important thing is to remember that despite how it feels, you are not alone. And if you feel like you need professional help, let us know if you need help ask and we will get you some. It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help. It shows more weakness to not ask for help when you need it then it does to ask for the help you need when you need it.
Anger- If you are like me, you may have anger and aggression problems. If you turn out like me, you may also be able to do a lot of damage when you are angry, or excited, when you feel wronged or feel backed into a corner. There is a big difference between what you can do and what you should do. Learn it. Balance it, ask yourself is this the right thing to do before you act. They say that with great power comes great responsibility. Just because you can do something does not mean you should. Learn to control your anger, if you feel like you need to let it out, go and hit the punching bag, talk it out, build something. exercise. Keeping it under control does not mean bottling things up, it means that you choose how you are expressing it. Keep calm, if that means taking a breath before moving forward. it will behoove you.
These are down sides, things that you need to be aware of. Tomorrow (today) I will talk about the awesome things that run in the family.