Thursday, August 13, 2015

69 Days Some days are just like that. (being at choice)

Little guy.
I try to stay positive on this blog, to tell you the awesome things I can think about the world and things I feel you should know. Today falls in the later category.
You are now 69 days from us depending on who you ask. I like this count so have based the blog on it. In reality, you could be anywhere from 55 days to 85. We don't know yet.
I did not blog yesterday. I was busy working at the Renn fair booth at the Salt Lake County Fair, so I just missed it, things got in the way, some days are just like that. You may set your heart on something that no matter what, you plan on doing something and it just does not happen. This morning I got up with every intention of going to the gym, then going to volunteer, then do some things around the house. Things just did not work out that way.

This morning I realized that I needed to check with unemployment, and found out that I had quite a bit of work to do with them so I could be on track with things. I spent the time I was going to go to the gym working on that, then was off to the County fair to volunteer again. What can I say but that some days are like that. I called my HR rep at the U and found out that though I had not received my letter from them detailing my being released from my job, they gave me until the end of the day to file an appeal if I was going to do it. I was panicked, I was worried I did not have the time to do it, and if that was the case I could not appeal my firing. Some days you will be stressed. some days things will get you down, that does not have to mean all day but there may be times when it happens.

That does not mean you have to stay there. it just means that things may pile up and you will need to figure out how to get through it. The difference is that you are at choice with what you do with it. Today, at first I stressed. Then I thought on it, picked up the pieces and made a different choice. I spoke with the HR Rep, and worked it out so that I could work on it and could file it Monday instead of today (Thursday), Some things in life are negotiable, figure out what is before you change the rules, but always make sure that you are doing it the right way if you have to. If your teacher in school says no late work and you are not done, ask about it. Maybe it is a hard rule and you are better off turning in what you have. Sometimes it is a soft rule, but you will not know unless you ask.

Some days you wake up and things just feel rotten. Some days can start out like that, but you get to decide what you are doing with it. Is it going to be a bad day because you stubbed your toe first thing in the morning, or is it going to be OK at the end in spite of it. I am not saying that you will always decide to be on the bright side of things, it is OK sometimes to just not feel up to it, but always remember you are at choice.

I missed the gym today. I really wanted to go, but it did not work out when I did the things I did. I chose to do the stuff through unemployment I needed to do. Could I do it later? sure but that was my choice. I chose to honor my commitment to be where I said I was going to be, regardless of if I felt like it or not. I feel like you ought to be true to your word, so that's what I did instead. Yesterday I forgot to write until we were in bed so I didn't I am sorry for that, but I am afraid that too may happen some times. Some people may let you down, and you get to decide what that means in the future. If your best buddy is always saying that he will hang out with you every day and then doesn't you have a choice to plan on him, or not, or to plan on him maybe showing up but not get your heart set on it. The choice is yours.

If you have a friend who always steals your stuff, you can get mad because he does, or you can realize that he will and stop hanging out with him or giving him the chance to. You can still be friends but if you know he will keep doing it, even after you talk to him about it, at a certain point it falls on you for letting it keep happen. You are always at choice. Some days it will be harder than others to be happy, so you get to choose what you do with it. Not being happy is OK too, as long as you realize you are making that choice. You may not always be in control of the cards you are dealt, but you are always in control of how you play with them.