Thursday, August 6, 2015

76 Days Surround yourself with good people. (clearing out the desk)

Today I did something that was hard but it had to be done, I cleaned out my desk at the University.
I did not imagine that it would be so hard, but as I collected my things, I found myself asking if things were  mine, or if they belonged to the department. Eventually I settled on some things but what I did not expect was many of my staff coming into the office to beg and plead with me to stay, as if I was making a decision and was not being moved on forcibly. There were tears, and finally I had to walk away.
Punchy, I have always prided myself in having a good team. The team that people want to be on. A team that wants to work together, and do all they can to help one another if they need to. The threw parties when it was my birthday, and came together to buy me gifts for holidays. This is not the first time I built a team. When I transferred to Day shift I built a team that I loved and who were loyal to me when they moved me, I shed a few tears as well. But this was different, before, I would still be there and though not the guy they reported to, I could still support them. This time, I do not get to see them and that is hard.
It is hard to loose people you care about. That is a part of life. what matters is that you have the time with them you do. I can only hope that these employees who I laughed with and helped when I could know just how much I appreciate each of them.
Surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed. People who will do all they can to help you if you need it because they know, that at some point, you will or have done the same for them. You get good people around you by being a good person. In work or school that means sometimes being picky about who you hire or hang out with. Keep the ones who work hard but want to see everyone succeed.
My employees were not crying today because they were faking it. If they did not feel like they had to say goodbye they would not have come down to say good bye. these were tears as real as my own. I will miss them. I hope they stay in touch, and maybe one day I can see them all again. They were my team, but more than that they were my friends and I wanted them to succeed above everything else. Make sure the people you keep are worth keeping, but always surround yourself with the ones who want you to do your best and who you want to do the same.